Debt Restructure

Lower the cost of your financing and free up working capital for your small business. We can help you get out of high-interest loans and pay down debt faster.

Your Debt Restructure Advantage

It’s hard to do business without adding debt to your balance sheet. Financing is a great tool to help you get real estate, equipment, and working capital. But too many debts can be difficult to manage. Even an older debt can be a burden if the interest rate you qualified for when you applied is higher than what you can get now.

We offer a wide range of solutions that help small businesses manage their debt. You can lower your monthly payments, condense several payments into one, and reduce your overall debt by utilizing our restructuring plans. Let us help you manage your business debt so you can spend time on the aspects of your business that really matter.

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Consolidation Loans

Is your business dealing with multiple debt payments each month? Do you have trouble keeping track of the different interest rates and due dates? You can simplify your debt repayment process by consolidating your debts into one loan. Loan consolidation makes it easier and faster to manage your business’s outstanding debts.

A consolidation loan pays off multiple debts at once, leaving you with one simple payment each month or quarter. You may even lower your overall interest rate with the new loan, helping you pay off your debt faster. Let us help you assess the debt on your balance sheet and roll it into one easy solution.

SBA Loans

You’re probably aware that the Small Business Administration offers loans for construction, real estate, and equipment. But, did you know that you can also use an SBA loan to refinance? The SBA 7(a) and SBA 504 loans can both help your business refinance its existing debt. Get up to 90% of your debt refinanced by the SBA if you qualify.

The SBA allows refinancing eligible debts if you can show the current debt is under unreasonable terms, the loan isn’t in default, and your business will significantly benefit from refinancing. Find out how you can qualify for refinancing through the SBA by contacting us today.

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Positioning Your Business for the Best Rates

Whether you’re looking for a small business loan now or just want to plan for the future, put your business in position to garner the best rates from lenders. We work with a broad network of lenders every day. So, we know how and why they set their rates for different borrowers. Our brokers can give your business a leg up when it’s time to finance.

We’ll help you pay down debt, convert short to long-term financing, and strategically attract the financing your business needs. When you need to fund your next project, get lenders to compete for your attention. Don’t wait until the moment you need funding, get started today.

Credit Repair Activities

Managing business debt can be overwhelming and it’s not easy to plan for everything. Unexpected events can hurt your credit score, even if they’re not your fault. If your business’s credit has taken a hit, we can help you repair it with a customized financial strategy.

Paying off debt seems like the best way to improve credit, but closing old accounts or not using new ones can hurt your credit score. Learn the best ways to pay down your debt responsibly and raise your score by working with one of our debt management professionals. Together, we’ll help your business recover from bad credit.

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Debt might be a fact of doing business, but it doesn’t have to weigh your business down. We’ll help you discover ways to lower your interest rates, raise your credit score, and attract lenders for future financing. Get started today and position your business to get the best rate on your next loan.
Drained Capital

Get the best loan rates

Drained Capital

Reduce debt faster

Drained Capital

Free up working capital

Drained Capital

Raise your business credit score


Frequently Asked Questions

We’re available for you any time you need adaptive, innovative financial solutions for your small business. Find out what we can do for you today.

Q. Why is closing debt accounts bad for your credit?
It seems like paying off debt and closing your business’s debt accounts would be an ideal way to improve your credit. But can decrease your score because it lowers the amount of available credit you have. To learn other ways debt affects your credit, contact us today.
Q. Does my business credit affect my personal credit?
Some things that hurt your business can also hurt your personal credit score. It’s a good rule to keep your personal and business finances as separate as possible. Depending on the type of business you own and the type of loan you have, creditors can go after your personal assets if you fail to pay them.
Q. What is refinancing?
Essentially, refinancing is the act of using one loan to pay off another. A business might do this if it has improved its creditworthiness and qualifies for a lower interest rate. This is different from loan consolidation because refinancing involves one debt while consolidation takes several debts and puts them into one loan.
Q. What is business debt management?
Debt management describes how a business handles repaying the money it borrows. It involves reviewing credit reports regularly, making payments on time, paying strategically, and putting good practices in place. If you need to manage your business debt, give us a call to get started.