Fast Cash

When business is moving fast, small businesses can’t afford to wait for financing. That’s why we have fast cash solutions designed with your business in mind.

Your Fast Cash Advantage

Long-term investments are great for securing wealth and providing for your business’s future. But they can’t help you out in the short term. If you need immediate cash, you could look at selling part of your business or liquidating assets. Once they’re gone, however, it might be hard to build those assets up again.

Short-term financing needs are better met with short-term financing solutions from our network of lenders. You can leverage the value of current assets without giving them up. Use factoring to bring in working capital without adding debt, get flexible financing with a line of credit, or take care of interim financing with a bridge loan. Call us about customizable options for your small business today.

Orange Grid Effect


Tired of waiting 30, 60, or even 90 days for your clients to pay their invoices? While it’s customary to give clients reasonable payment terms, it’s not always best for your business. If you’re holding off on bringing in new materials, hiring personnel, or paying bills, consider factoring those invoices for immediate funding.

You can sell your invoices, contracts, purchase orders, and other accounts receivable to a factoring firm. This “factor” gives you the partial value of the account upfront so you can spend the money now. Then, the factor collects payment from your client and returns the remaining funds to you.

Lines of Credit

A line of credit is one of the best financial tools available to small businesses that rely on seasonal sales to generate annual income. Many companies get their revenue from just one or two quarters of the year. Retail business gets a boost during the holidays, recreational companies see an increase in the summer, and snow removal teams thrive in winter.

But what happens if that quarter doesn’t earn what you expected? The rest of the year could be a struggle. Even out seasonal ups and downs with a line of credit. Lines let you borrow when you need to and pay back to free up the balance for the future.

Orange Grid Effect
Orange Grid Effect

Working Capital Loans

Traditional financing might be a good move if you need to buy property, start construction, or get new equipment. But these loans are designed to address a specific need and don’t offer much flexibility. A real estate loan, for example, can’t be used to cover your business’s utility bills, payroll, or inventory.

If your financial needs are less targeted, consider working capital loans. Working capital loans let you decide where to apply the funds in your business. You can use them to get supplies and materials, onboard new personnel, or launch a marketing campaign. Find out how flexible financing can be by contacting us now.

Bridge Loans

When you want to take your business on the move, where do you get the financing to make it happen? If you’re banking on the sale of your current property to finance new real estate, there’s an easier way to get moving. Start packing now with the help of a bridge loan.

A bridge loan helps you cover immediate expenses while you’re waiting on more substantial financing to come through. You can use a bridge loan to buy new property to move into now. Then, when the old property sells, the revenue can go toward repaying the loan. Don’t let traditional financing slow you down, contact us today.

Orange Grid Effect


Get what you need right away with working capital options from our network of lenders. We’ll introduce you to great rates on a loan that can be approved in as little as 24 hours. Take the cash and use it for any immediate need. Contact us now to find out more.
Drained Capital

Cover immediate expenses

Drained Capital

Smooth out seasonal ups and downs

Drained Capital

Get cash when you need it

Drained Capital

Apply funds to any business need


Frequently Asked Questions

We’re available for you any time you need adaptive, innovative financial solutions for your small business. Find out what we can do for you today.

Q. How do I find a reputable bridge lender?
You don’t have to spend hours or even days shopping around for a reputable bridge lender. All of the lenders in our network are vetted by our professional staff to ensure that they’re reliable and trustworthy. Let us know what your financial needs are and we’ll connect you to a reputable bridge lender today.
Q. Are bridge loans risky?
Just as with any other type of loan, you should consider carefully before you decide. Make sure you’re in a good financial position to be able to pay the loan on time. Bridge loans have short terms. If you have questions about repayment, we can walk you through solutions.
Q. How often can I use a line of credit?
Lines of credit are designed so that you can borrow as often as you need in any amount up to your credit limit. As long as you have room on the account, you can borrow. Alternatively, you can keep a line of credit open without borrowing anything, so that you have emergency funds available.
Q. What does a “factor” charge to buy accounts receivable?
Factors do charge a fee to provide your business with cash upfront. These fees vary from factor to factor, but typically range from 1% to 3%.